Spam Shield APK for Android



Our focus is to be on a subject that is not popular and shunned by all people. Nevertheless, it is of significant importance to look into it to figure out the best way to keep it off by taking appropriate preventative measures. It’s all about Spam. In today’s world electronic communication has come to stay.

Most communication takes place via the internet through E-mail. Been so widely used most people know how convenient it is. Yours truly, having had the experience of been in the pre-electronic communication era feels the current communication is all but magic. During those years main communication was by letter writing via post. For local letters to reach its destination would take days.

Overseas letters weeks or months. Any disruption to the postal service would mean the letters not been delivered. However at that time spam was not heard of. In today’s communication spam is a serious problem. Spam message could be defined as unsolicited communication received. Spam is also known as junk mail. Spam messages are a major waste of time and mostly dangerous because they could threaten the safety of digital communication, carry viruses, malware, and many other adverse cyber threats.

Accessing a malicious internet site will cause serious harm to the users’ devices such as computer or smartphone. Situation like this need not be elaborated any further as we all know how badly our life’s going to be affected by a strike of spam related incident to our personal device. Taking all of the seriousness of spam, a well-designed app has been innovated. Its name Spam Shield –block spam app. Here is a recap of its wonderfully laid out features that will keep away all of the unwanted trouble away from your smart device.

Features of Spam Shield App

Block any suspicious links and messages. By notifying Spam Shield on suspicious links and notifications the apps customer care team will block all of these as per the users request.With the spam shield at work in your smartphone will save the user’s valuable time.

Time factor been so critical today this will be a great feature. No more of those annoying fake notifications promising the moon, stars,and the sun. No more fake posts running down a company, businesses, or persons.Span Shield will with all its intelligence monitor and sense spams.

There are many spam filters or Spam shield application like Clean Master app, AVG Antivirus, AVG Cleaner, NOX Cleaner, NOX Security and more. You will get more features on Clean Master. Clean Master app offers all most all security and optimizing feature on one app.

Then all such spams detected will be blocked permanently. Therefore, you can stay away from rubbish! Spam Shield provides the option to block non spam, but contents the users don’t want to receive. With 24/7 surveillance the app will be in control taking away the onus from the users.

Span Shield app will amazingly protect and secure the smart device from spam intrusion. This will give all the users a worry-free situation using their smart devices. Your smart device wouldn’t be any safer than with this super anti-spam

Span Shield app. With access to total worry-free safety this app is within the reach of your fingertips for installation. It’s never too late.

Download Spam Shield APK

It is always secure to install better spam shield app on your Android. Here we are using AC Market app store to download this apk file. It is because, AC Market will guarantee you will get safe apk file and future updates like play store app.

First download and install AC Market app. Then go to search and type “Spam shield”. You will see this application on search results while typing. Select and click on download. Then click on “Free Download” button to install this app for free. You will find many free games and apps like Guns of Boom, Race Master 3D, Lulu Box, Other world legends and more.